L2 Numbers
TOPIC ( 1 digit number additions)
Class: UKG
Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to add 1 digit numbers.
Circle time: gather the students in a circle and recall previous lessons about 1 digit numbers. Explain Addition and the sign use for addition. Mention that the sign is called a plus sign.After that show the video.The students and the teacher will participate in the song. After the songs once again explain addition by using real life objects and also different ways to do it so the child can decide which ever way easy for him/her.
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE : Visual, Musical , Bodily Kinestetic, Naturalistic
Activity 1: This work will be done in pairs. One of the students in the pair will have 10 flashcards which have sums and the other child will have answers. Both children will solve the sums together and attach the answer to the sum.
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE : Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Visual, Logical mathematics

Activity 2: Create an imaginative shop in the classroom. The kids will be given handmade money and they have to come to the shop select items and add the total price to find the total price and pay to the register. Let them ask questions to the teacher just like how it would be between a customer and a shopkeeper.
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE : interpersonal, intrapersonal, Visual, Logical Mathematics, Spatial and Linguistic
In conclusion play a presentation with addition sums and let the children answer it. provide the students with pencil and paper if they prefer to. This can also be used to assess the children
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