L1 Nutrition
Lesson Plan 1 ( Nutrition)
Topic Nutrition (Food groups)
Level : UKG
Objectives : By the end of the topic students will be able to name the food pyramid groups and name at least 2 food items in each group.
Circle time: the kids will gather in a circle and the teacher will ask questions about the previous topic for a recall. Ask questions about why good food is important. And then ask whether they can guess today's topic. Give a short explanation of food groups before starting to show the video.
BLOOM TAXONOMY OBJECTIVE : remembering, Understanding
Workstation: Activity 1: Paste the food in the right coulum. Teacher will give out a blank food pyramid and some cut outs of different foods. Children will have to decide which food belongs in.
BLOOM TAXONOMY OBJECTIVE : remembering, applying
Activity 2 (Group Activity) : In groups of five students will make a food pyramid model and place real food items which will be provided by the teacher. The teacher will also provide with cardboard which can be glued and pasted by the student in order to form a 3D type of triangle. The finish product will look something like this.
BLOOM TAXONOMY OBJECTIVE : remembering applying analyzing evaluating
ART: Give students to create their own food pyramid however they like it. Teachers can give little ideas like maybe the kids can put their favorite food group as most important or change how the food pyramid looks. In the art book give students to do it however they like.
BLOOM TAXONOMY OBJECTIVE : evaluating create
Conclusion: Before finishing off ask students which food group is the most important and why they think it is the most important. Let each kid answer. And then finish off with recalling what they learn
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